Monday, April 26, 2010
True Freedom
Monday, April 19, 2010
New Crops!
I am not sure exactly where you are with respect to this message but God wanted me to write this for someone. Perhaps, we can all stand to be reminded about what the passion of God is directed toward: new crops!
Monday, April 12, 2010
God is.....
The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
1 John 4:8
Isn’t it far more than interesting that God chooses to define Himself as “love”?
Perhaps since it is He who chooses to define Himself that way we should allow Him to define the word “love”.
Have you ever thought of your God this way? Patient, kind, not seeking His own, rejoicing in truth, bearing all things, and, last but certainly not least, His love never fails.
Do you really know Him?
Allow the truth of who He really is to soak deeply into your spirit.
Allow your spirit to commune with the God who loves.
Finally, please take a few moments to express your feelings toward this God who is love!
Perhaps Psalm 136 might be useful as you being the express your feeling to the One whose "lovingkindness is everlasting".
Monday, April 5, 2010
Sing for Joy
Psalm 59:16
Allow me to challenge you to something probably new. This may seem a bit strange at first but please give it a try.
Each morning, before your day gets started very much, sing a song about God’s strength and His lovingkindness. It absolutely makes no difference what tune you sing the words to or if you can even carry any tune at all.
Make a point to do this everyday for the next week and let me know how things appear to you after a couple of days.
This might mean that you will have to put down the Ipod, turn off the TV, the radio or the CD player. There is nothing on any of those that will make a difference equal to the sweet offerings that come out of your lips.
Please let me know of your experiences. I would like for us to encourage one another. Life is hard enough sometimes isn’t it? A quick reminder of the goodness of our God can be so refreshing.